Business Department Vision and Intent
n Business, we are passionate about our subject and want to inspire our students to aspire to be the best they can be in the subject. We aim to provide skills and understanding of the real world of business so that students feel equipped to take on the challenges of university, employment or entrepreneurship.
By the end of Year 13, students should have gained confidence and a can do attitude that will show resilience and respect for others and the environment around them; be able to find things out for themselves and make balanced judgements.
Inspire to Aspire
Our lessons incorporate opportunities to link in the real world of business and business people which could inspire students. Lessons allow all students to access the information needed to make progress and achieve, they are planned to engage students in the learning experience with some being aspiring to be a part of business in the future, be it as a decision maker or entrepreneur.
In order to achieve this, we want to inspire students to:
- Read often about what is happening in the real world of business today.
- Research into entrepreneurs, brands and businesses that interest them
- To be able to evaluate situations for given case studies/scenarios
- Be motivated to have a can do attitude to give new things a try
- Listen to podcasts on businesses, brands and business leaders