Psychology Department Vision and Intent
We aim to provide students with the ability to think deeply about the underlying basis of their own and others behaviour. We model the scientific method and demonstrate how the discipline of psychology has furthered our understanding of the human mind and behaviour. Our students are critical thinkers, who can analyse various psychological perspectives, evaluate different theoretical approaches and make connections between theory and the real world.
We believe that learning should be placed within a dynamic framework of discussion and debate and should involve a high level of independent learning from the pupils. In addition, we believe that by sharing our enthusiasm for the subject and modelling the importance of reading and life-long learning we will inspire pupils to undertake their own research. This will, in turn, foster an environment for pupils to develop self-mastery and engagement in self-regulated learning. Students of psychology are:
- Reflective and resilient, with a drive to make constant progress in their own understanding
- Confident in their ability to make connections between their GCSE knowledge of science and maths, and their new learning in A-Level Psychology
- Logical and systematic in their approach to questioning the world around them